Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An open letter to the ice cream man

Dear Ice Cream Man,

How do you make it through one day without repeatedly stabbing your eardrums with a popsicle stick? For sure, your patience far exceeds my own.

Much Respect,
(You know, the lady with all the kids. You practically park in front of our house everyday... Remember me now?)


Danielle said...

I'm laughing:) and feeling your pain...

Sheree said...

today was the first day that i actually have seen the icecream man in 2 years!!! what does he do? he tells our kids he'll be right back?!! how is that possible?

Anonymous said...

must like the business!

Raquel said...

Serious as a heart attack, there are THREE of of them that peruse the neighborhood. Three. AHHHHHHH!

Sarah said...

Blasted! Good thing my kids don't know what those are yet!!! How long do you think that will last???

Sheree said...

that is just crazy. share the icecream man-give 'em my address. :)

Melissa said...

GAH - I am so glad my miece and nephew live on top of a mountain that you practially need a humvee to get to the top of.

Not omly do they HAVE all the ice pops, cones and all the stuff the ice cream that they could want in their freezer. But their is something about that "creepy" pied piper music that comes from those trucks that just gets kids running.

I am convinced they are all perverts lol.

Erica said...

I sure wish I had an ice cream man! How's it going??? How is Big P???