Friday, January 11, 2008

a million times over

When writing this blog I have to continuously remind myself not to talk about politics. If you only knew how many posts that don't get published! In my family (both maternal and paternal) politics is of the utmost priority. It's the constant conversation (or should I say debate?), it's an explanation for the choices we make, it's something we believe that you should be continuously informed about (through your own research - tv and it's extensions don't count), it's an extension of our beliefs, it's REALLY IMPORTANT AND WE WANNA TALK ABOUT IT.

Where it all gets interesting is when my mom marries my dad. My maternal side of the family are staunch republicans (no, not religious right. not actually religious at all) and my paternal side of the family are staunch democrats. While my parents marriage didn't work I was what came out of that marriage. Kind of like a mule. Not a democrat, not a republican, but a sterile composition of the two. I prefer the term "independent" to sterile mule, as it just sounds better. This term saves me from a lot of small-talk grief. And come to think of it, this blend speaks to the whining boxes post. Anyways...

don't you just want to pet those big ears?
Tab, Jenny, and Sheree I already know your answer...

One of my favorite uncles, Vince, has a blog and when I saw my big head on there today I couldn't help but laugh. But the content is the point. Not my big head. Like salve on this festering wound of feeling misunderstood, he simply told me that he loves me. And that is enough. It's enough to know that I have a core of family and friends (you guys!) who love me and who think I rock. It bothers me to no end that I need that affirmation, but I just do.

I tell my husband all of the time that without him, I wouldn't be able to survive this messy earth. But I want to recognize all of you guys (am I accepting a Golden Globe here??). You take the time to read and comment and email and call and pray and love me. The emails and calls that I got made me tear up and feel bad that I'm a whiner but also comforted that there is love out there.

And that's what counts.

Not what we're up against because that will always be there.

But what counts, what really matters, is that we're not alone down here on this messy earth. I've got you and you've got me. You all proved me wrong a million times over.

Nuff said.


Sheree said...

tear! you may put on a tough exterior but you are such a softy. love ya!

Aly Cat 121 said...

well looks like you ain't gonna be the only one giving a "Golden Globe" thank you speech on a blog, cuz them sh*ts are canceled. Writer strikes rock! LOL *chuckle*

Unknown said...

you are truly something! I got your back if you got mine!?!? :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh man Rach, reading this just makes me want to get all touchey-feeley and snuggle up on the couch with you!!! (or raid your bed once Sherm leaves for work....) I love violating your personal space bubble, too bad I live so far away....

Love ya, Jenny