Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Oh yeah!!!

Don't you wish that it was your pretend birthday? Here's what I received today while the kids sang "Happy Pretend Birthday" to me. Want to know how to cook this lovely delight?


  1. Start with two cups (literally) of hose water.
  2. Pour into a toy container that someone snuck outside.
  3. Add 4 or 5 unripened apples that have been mortared (take a rock from the driveway and smash the apples into chunks).
  4. Stir.
  5. Using fresh flowers that are okay to pick from the yard (whatever you prefer but they used dandelions), pull the stems off, and discard. Rip off petals, then using home-made mortar, mash these. Throw them in too.
  6. In a separate container, put some dirt (dug from the base of the slide) in and slowly add small amounts of water while constantly stirring. Once the stir-ers arms get tired, add to the toy container.
  7. Wala! Fast and colorful!

I also have really good news that relates to sewing. The apron is complete! I googled for WAY too long both last night and this morning, searching for legible directions on gathering. Finally figured out the problem: McCall's asked for X amount of fabric for the ruffle but that wasn't enough to actually give the fabric room to ruffle! I had to double the length that was called for. Also, because my sewing machine really didn't want to baste, I tried the zig zag stitch method and it worked wonderfully! I'm very impressed with the results and oh-so-happy that the freakin' thing is done... well, it's mostly done. Notice the teensy pocket? I used some Heat and Bond

to keep the seams together, but I'm not quite sure what else to do with it. Haven't sewed it on yet to leave myself some options. I heart brick brack or however that's spelled and projects like 1950's aprons just scream for some! We shall see ..sigh.. I'm just soooo glad that it's done! Mission complete.


Dawne said...

that looks, umm, delicious....

Seriously, now that you have the apron pattern down, will you make me one?? Puhlease???

Majik Mom said...

you have a nice blog site! Really like the apron.
mary in Mo from Cyberquilters