Thursday, August 9, 2007

It all happened so fast

I was in such a hurry to over think about the 'quilt-that-isn't' this morning that I spaced and didn't post some friendly suggestions on what one can do with a lazy summer day.

Idea #1:
Color a picture of your parents. Dad's face looks lifeless? Give him angry eyebrows and some freckles for fun! Don't forget to give mom pigtails (don't I look slender?)!
Idea #2:
Chat with some friends on the phone

Idea #3:
Get stuck in a tree
Idea #4:
Or just pose in one

Idea #5:
Innocently make suggestions to the cook/photographer/mom about what would be good for dinner with barbeque chicken... if everyone would like that...
Idea #6:
Or maybe just have a seat and enjoy the weather while having lunch

1 comment:

Dawne said...

Broccoli is looking good! What else are you growing?