Thursday, August 9, 2007


Okay, this is the last time that I'll post today... I'm going a little overboard... Come to think of it going overboard isn't unusual for me. Sooooo anyyyyywayyyy...

I was spending far too much time reading other peoples blogs (why would I interact with real live humans when I could just read about them?) and just couldn't help myself when I read that Nancy was having a little contest and all that I had to do was submit my favorite recipe for soup.

"SOUP!?! Why that's all that I cook!" I proclaimed aloud
"Soup again?" whined one of the kids, to remain unnamed
"Well, it's either that or McDonalds for dinner." I heaved with a sigh
"Guess what guys?" shouted unnamed child, "McDonalds for dinner!"
(children squealing in approval goes on for about thirty seconds)
"Sorry guys. No McDonalds tonight. It's just a computer thang."
(unhappy moans go on for another 30 seconds)

So, here's my fav and trust me, I've tried out just about every soup recipe known to man. I heart soup. Don't shy away from the barley - it sounds bizarre but it is oh so delicioso. Even my kids like this one!


Anonymous said...

yay! so excited you're playing along--that soup sounds AWESOME.

Dawne said...

I love pea soup! When we get int our own place, I'll have to make it.